Monday, August 29, 2011

Today's Progress

Just a quick note to let you all know how I did today (assuming you're interested, of course). I gave myself an hour of blog surfing, and then shut the computer down and handwrote for an hour while the kids napped. I cranked out 424 words in that time, which is a lot for me, so I was pretty pleased. But then, when I was driving home from work (which is when I get all my best ideas...that, or swimming in the pool), I thought of a way better way to write the scene. So I rewrote it. Or, most of it, until I got to a spot I needed to mull over a little more. I did get 711 words on my rewrite, though.

So, today's total is: 1135 words in an hour and a half! I managed a 1k day for the first time in months! This calls for more dancing, people...join me! *happy dances around the blogosphere* I'm going to try this again tomorrow, and see if it's something I can actually stick to. Here's hoping. :)



  1. That's fantastic. It took me all day to write 1K. That's what I get for writing with the Internet turned on, right? Congratulations and best wishes for tomorrow.

  2. Happy dances, yes! I had an over 1k day today, too! Wheeee!

  3. That's fantastic, well done! I'm a fellow campaigner and new follower, I love your profile description.

  4. Well done you!! Am feeling inspired - so inspired I'm going to stop reading blogs and get on with some writing!!

  5. Woo hoo! I wish I could do that much in one day!

  6. Yay for 1K!! It's always a nice feeling when you surpass your expectations=)


Now that you took the time to read my message, let's see what you have to say! Unless it's mean...then you can just keep it to yourself. :)