Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now That I'm Out of My Food Coma...

BLOGGER! *tackle hug* I haven't been around here in forEVER! How are you guys? I realize that I've totally dropped off the face of the earth for a few weeks, so the number of people who stop by on a regular basis might be considerably smaller. Regardless, I'm back! And probably on a more permanent basis (as long as nothing else major pops up). :)

Anyway, how was your Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa celebration? C and I made out like bandits this Christmas, what with all the tools and cookbooks and a bread machine and a sewing machine and electronic goodies Santa delivered. My favorite present by far was the painting C did for me though. It's the second installment in his brilliant Hippo Potter series (which is exactly as it sounds...Harry Potter with hippos. My two favorite things :P). The first painting can be found here, and I'll work on uploading the one from this year. You know...once our printer is set up and I can actually scan things.

We're finally starting to feel settled in. There are just a few more boxes to unpack in the office/library, and our kitchen table needs to be fixed, but after that we're done! Our new home is amazing, and we can't get over how much space we have here. It's incredibly different to go from a 10x10 bedroom in a house to a 1200 square foot apartment, and we're loving it. :) Our dog spends most of her time running from room to room, which is pretty hilarious if I do say so myself.

As far as writing goes, I have a couple of goals for this next year. First, I'm going to have 100 posts by the end of this year! There may have to be a contest of some kind. :) Second, I haven't touched my WIP in months (due to weddings and moves and holidays). I want to get back to it...I'm aching to get back to it, really. But I'm not quite ready yet. There are still some things around the apartment that need to be finished first (I can't really do anything if there's clutter nearby). But I am planning to start writing again on the first of January. Hopefully 2012 is the year I finish my novel (edits and all). :D

What are your goals for this last week of 2011 and beyond?