I had yet another crazy, chaotic weekend, but this one was filled with more fun than frazzle (thank goodness). I had a little bachelorette party (the staying in kind, not the going out kind) Friday night, attended a Halloween party (as a Youtube video) on Saturday night, and crafted my life away Sunday. Lots and lots of activity...but we all know that's nothing new. :P
The best news of all is that our family and friends start arriving this weekend! Crazy, right? It's kind of weird to think that we've made it this far (I mean, we have been engaged for 15 months...), and that we're getting married NEXT WEEK! Craziness.
I'm trying something new this week. I'll be scheduling all my posts, as practice for next week (wedding prep) and the week after (honeymoon). If it works well, I may start doing it permanently. We'll have to see about that though. Anyway, how was your weekend? :D