Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Whee, Road Trip!

*Please don't forget! If you liked my second Campaign piece, I need your votes. Head on over and "Like" my entry (#51 on the list)! I'm currently 4th out of 192 entries, so thanks very much to all who have voted!*

And now, it's Road Trip time! This blog carnival is hosted by the lovely folks over at YA Highway, and if you haven't participated yet, you really should. All you have to do is pop over to their website, answer the prompt on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section of today's post. Easy peasy, right?

Today's question: What supporting character from a YA book would you most like to see star in their own novel?

This one is kind of tough for me. You see, I read A LOT of books. So many that I have a Word document on my computer with a list of all of them (so I don't forget which ones I've read). Crazy, right? I've loved many a supporting character, and trying to choose one (or a few) of them to represent here is tricky. I'm going to try to stay away from Harry Potter characters, because seriously, we all want to stay in Harry Potter World forever. :P 

I am interested in reading more YA books from a guy's point of view though. Some memorable young men who would deliver a great story:

-Four from Divergent (Veronica Roth)
-Tamani from Wings (Aprilynne Pike)
-Akiva from Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Laini Taylor), although we might get more of his story in later books
-any of the guys from Wildefire (Karsten Knight)
-George from the Song of the Lioness series (Tamora Pierce) [he's an old friend, but a good one :)]

I know this has been said before, but the YA genre is sadly lacking in male narrators. Maybe we should work on fixing that...  :) In the meantime, we can all daydream about some kick-a side character stories. 

Who would you like to see in their own novel?