Wednesday, November 2, 2011

RTW: To Coach or Be Coached

And now, it's Road Trip time! This blog carnival is hosted by the lovely folks over at YA Highway, and if you haven't participated yet, you really should. All you have to do is pop over to their website, answer the prompt on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section of today's post. Easy peasy, right?

Today's question: What kind of writing coach do you need? When you have to coach your friends, what kind of coach are you?

I'll be honest: I haven't touched my WIP in months. It's sad, really, but there's just far too much going on for me to worry about that. I mean, I'm going to be a wife 9 DAYS from now (I'm excited, can you tell?)! When I am writing regularly, I need coaches who aren't afraid to tell me what needs work, but who can also cheer me on when I write well or meet a goal.

As for myself, I'm more of a cheerleader than a coach. I'm the one who's constantly trying to find something nice to say, even if I didn't really like it. I hate hurting other people's feelings, so I tend to focus more on strengths than weaknesses. It's something I'm working on, but some people really like that style, so I probably won't change too much. :)

What kind of writing coach do you need?


PS Sorry I haven't been able to visit blogs in a while. I promise I care about what you all are saying, but I just don't have time to be the best blog friend right now. I do read when I can, so don't feel like I'm completely ignoring you! Thanks for all your support! :)