Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Three Little Pigs, Anyone?

Today is Tuesday, which means another teaser. This meme is hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading. You can participate too, if you want. Just grab the book you're currently reading and open to a random page. Share a two-sentence excerpt, but don't include any spoilers. We want to tease people into reading, not ruin their appetite for the book. :) Be sure to include the book's title and author so that other people can add it to their TBR pile if they want to.

So Plain Kate was wonderful (thanks, Julie!), and now I've moved on to Straw House, Wood House, Brick House, Blow. It's a really interesting book composed of four novellas that have nothing to do with three pigs, little or otherwise. One novella is a western, one is sci-fi, one is a mystery, and the fourth is Shakespearean-ish. It was written entirely on an iPhone, which is a definite selling point. It's good so far, and also, the cover is awesome. Look at it!

The teaser: "The sun was faithful again that morning, rising above the farm with a shine so fresh it tasted like gazpacho. The birds sat in the trees, ignorant of the wickedness of grown men, and sang a fluty trill." 

I think I would love sunshine that tasted like gazpacho. :) What are you reading?