Wednesday, December 7, 2011

RTW: Running the Publishing Bases

And now, it's Road Trip time! This blog carnival is hosted by the lovely folks over at YA Highway, and if you haven't participated yet, you really should. All you have to do is pop over to their website, answer the prompt on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section of today's post. Easy peasy, right?

Today's question: How far would you go to get published? (The following image was included as reference)

 For me, the bases aren't really in the order of severity I would have chosen. Making minor revisions to sign with an agent is the least severe for me, so I would put that as first base, and be more than willing to run there. In my opinion, unless you self-publish, you're always going to have to make some minor changes in order to make your book more "accessible." It's not that big of a deal, as long as your story and characters remain true to your vision.

Switching to a well-selling genre would still be second base, and here's where it gets tricky. If this means switching to YA because YA is buzzing, then I'm fine with going there. I write YA anyway. But if it means switching to dystopian just because that's what's hot, then unfortunately, that's where I draw the line. I don't believe in following a trend just for the sake of making a buck (which is why jumping on the trend train would be my homerun, and I wouldn't go that far). I write because I love it, not because I want to get rich from it. I'm a nanny to make money. I'm a writer to make myself happy. Based on that, I'm not really sure if I'd even make it to second base. 
Third base, in my opinion, would be major revisions requested by an editor. If there were some scenes that needed to be added or deleted, fine. As long as my book remained true to itself and my vision for it, that's not a big deal. If the editor was suggesting a major plot overhaul or character shift, though, I don't think I could do it. 

Jumping on the trend train is a fate worse than death, so I know I wouldn't make it to a homerun. I guess after all is said and done, I'm not willing to let go of my creative freedom just for the sake of getting rich. Hopefully the publishing world will be kind to me and land me an agent and a publishing house that will respect my artistic vision. One can always hope, right? :)

How far would you go?